The Dirty Secrets of Organized Crime | The world, simplified

Описание к видео The Dirty Secrets of Organized Crime | The world, simplified

Welcome to The World, Simplified, where Tharun breaks down the big global issues affecting our money and lives in simple terms.

Today's Stories:

1. The Truth About Cyber Scams
We’re taking a close look at how cyber scams have become a global threat. From scams that empty people’s bank accounts to fake job offers that trick people into dangerous situations abroad, learn how organized crime groups operate like real businesses and why these scams matter to all of us.

2. Big Financial Risks Around the World
Cybercrime isn’t the only issue. In this episode, Tharun explains some other major risks facing the global economy. We’ll explore how things like rising debt, businesses struggling to pay back loans, and falling property values could lead to bigger problems. You’ll see how these financial issues are all connected and why they impact our everyday lives.


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