Meet Humboldt State's Y.E.S.

Описание к видео Meet Humboldt State's Y.E.S.

Youth Educational Services began in 1968 as a response to students' desire for active roles in initiating social change. Up until that time, social service agencies were utilizing students in ways that precluded students from taking management roles such as decision making, program development, evaluation and supervising.

The name Youth Educational Services (Y.E.S.) emerged from H.S.U. students who wanted to create a place on campus where the premise could be "Yes We Can". Students used that positive energy and developed Y.E.S. Presently, Y.E.S. students perform the above-mentioned tasks and in addition are able and encouraged to: fundraise, manage program budgets, grant writing, plan large-scale community events, recruit, select and screen volunteers. In our isolated rural setting agencies often lack the funds, staffing, and flexibility to "go out on a limb" to attempt a program that may fail: Y.E.S. students are able to take this risk.

In the many years since their inception, successful community service programs and student accomplishments have proven that students can and do make a positive difference in our community.

The reciprocal relationships built between students, community partners and participants are at the heart of the Y.E.S. program.


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