State Anthem of Karelia in Karelian and Russian “Karjalan tazavallan gimnu”

Описание к видео State Anthem of Karelia in Karelian and Russian “Karjalan tazavallan gimnu”

Republic of Karelia (Russia)

•Regional anthem of Republic of Karelia
Version sung in Karelian (Livvi dialect) and Russian language.

Some parts of the music are from the finnish traditional song "Karjalan Kunnailla"
Russian: "Государственный гимн Республики Карелия" (Gosudarstvennyy gimn Respubliki Kareliya)
Finnish: "Karjalan Tasavallan valtiohymni"
Karelian: "Karjalan tazavallan gimnu"
English: "Anthem of the Republic of Karelia"

–Lyrics: Armas Mashin and Ivan Kostin (Russian, 1993–)
Armas Mishin (Finnish, Official: 1993–2001)
Alexander Volkov (Karelian, 1998)
–Music: Alexander Beloborodov
–Adopted: 6 April 1993

On April 6, 1993, the Supreme Council decided to approve the national anthem of the Republic of Karelia and adopted the law of the Republic of Karelia No. XII-16.495 “On the text of the National Anthem of the Republic of Karelia”. The anthem was approved by the constitution of the Republic of Karelia, article 101. It had two official texts (in Russian and Finnish).

The text of the anthem of the republic was translated into Karelian (the text was translated into the Livvi dialect of the Karelian language) by the Karelian poet Alexander Volkov at the request of the Committee on National Policy of the Republic of Karelia. The text of the translation was approved by linguists and musicologists and in 1998 submitted to the government and the Legislative Assembly. However, there was no answer. At the same time, the text of the anthem with notes was distributed to the delegates of the III Congress of Karelians and performed by them at the end of its work.

In December 2001, the Chamber of the Republic of the Legislative Assembly of Karelia of the 2nd convocation abolished the anthem in Finnish, making the necessary changes to the law “On the text of the national anthem of the Republic of Karelia”. This decision was motivated by the fact that the only official language of Karelia is Russian. Earlier, the Department of Justice issued a conclusion that since only Russian is the state language in Karelia, the existence of the anthem in Finnish is contrary to the Constitution of the Republic.


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