Marvel's Top 10 Most Heartbreaking Scenes Ranked

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Marvel's Top 10 Most Heartbreaking Scenes Ranked From Sniffle To Waterworks
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most popular franchises of all time. Their films have captivated and entertained us for more than a decade. Characters like Tony Stark, Captain America, Spider-Man, and The Guardians of the Galaxy rank among the most beloved movie characters ever.

Yet, the MCU is also known for something else. Breaking our hearts. The extended universe truly features some of the most heartbreaking scenes to ever grace a blockbuster film. For movies that are mostly about guys in colorful costumes punching aliens, they get pretty real.

These films explore things like grief, betrayal, death, and racial injustice. They have pretty much mastered the art of making fans cry into their popcorn. With only a short time between us and “Avengers: Endgame”, it’s time to look back at some of the saddest of these moments. Y’know, right before they break our hearts all over again on April 26th.

Here we have Marvel’s Top 10 Most Heartbreaking Scenes Ranked From Sniffle To Waterworks.


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