Dr. Ismael Soriano. Dental Implant Course Implant. Implantology Implant. Training with patient

Описание к видео Dr. Ismael Soriano. Dental Implant Course Implant. Implantology Implant. Training with patient

Dr. Ismael Soriano


Courses In Implantology , Basic, Advanced and Rehabilitation Implant Prosthetics .

Training in implantology , is dedicated to training in the specialized in implantology with several different levels featuring dentists and dental professionals continuing training plan based on high-level clinical excellence and demanding training methodologies surgical - dental area with a reasonable investment . The dental professionals have the opportunity to learn and share the latest techniques in dental technology areas that have been offered in the field of implantology doing the practical part on actual patients .
The course content aims providing correct practice for daily practice by the dentist , live surgeries , practical workshops , clinical sessions and workshops with patients divided into three average basic modules , and advanced clinical forums and interactive sessions in which scientific and clinical content are examined. The cases are planned with careful diagnosis with CT scans , photographs and study models. Other parameters are the essential knowledge of bone biology , soft tissue and biomechanical basics of the different solutions offered prosthetic components.


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