The Fruit of The Spirit - A Sermon on John

Описание к видео The Fruit of The Spirit - A Sermon on John

The fruits of the Spirit are core to the nature of the Christian – love, joy, peace, patience, etc. These characteristics should be in the Christian and increasing. They have a tremendous impact on oneself, others, and in service to God. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explores this subject in this sermon on John 1:12–13, he challenges the listener to examine the real fruit exposed when a person is under pressure. A true Christian will demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit. As a Christian faces suffering, trial, discipline, and persecution, it will reveal the nature that is being built within. Do trials and sufferings produce perseverance, longsuffering, and hope? When one is cut, do they bleed the fruit of the Spirit? When they are reviled, do they revile in return? Does the Christian entrust themselves to God who judges justly? Do the pressures of life reveal a growing patience, kindness, and meekness that is growing in the soul? Dr. Lloyd-Jones focuses on some of the most referenced fruits of the Spirit, illustrating and applying each one to the life of the Christian. He exhorts the Christian to carefully and prayerfully examine their own life to see whether the pressures of life reveal a new creation in the soul or a soul in need of new life.


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