Welcoming His Grace Abune Elias to Toronto, Canada | ጳጳስ ናይ ሃገረ ስብከት ካናዳን ኣመሪካን አቡነ ኤልያስ ናብ ካናዳ ኣትዮም

Описание к видео Welcoming His Grace Abune Elias to Toronto, Canada | ጳጳስ ናይ ሃገረ ስብከት ካናዳን ኣመሪካን አቡነ ኤልያስ ናብ ካናዳ ኣትዮም

His Grace, Abune Elias’s arrival in Canada🇨🇦✈️ (September 10th, 2023)

We thank God Almighty for ensuring the safe arrival of our beloved Bishop of the Diocese of North America, H.G Abune Elias.

Overjoyed with reverence and gratitude, our devoted priests, mergieta's, deacons, mezemurans, and faithful congregation from surrounding cities welcomed them at the airport with a warm embrace.

Honored and humbled, we are profoundly thankful for the privilege of their presence. As our blessed Bishop dedicates themself to serve our Lord God and Savior, may they be granted a long and fulfilling life, guiding us on the path of faith and devotion🙏🏾

ጳጳስ ሃገረ ስብከት ሕ.መንግስታት ኣሜርካን ካናዳን ብፁዕ አቡነ ኤልያስ ናብ ካናዳ ኣትዮም🇨🇦✈️ (መስከረም 10, 2023)

ኣብ መዓርፎ ነፈርቲ ከተማ ቶሮንቶ ኣብ ዝበጽሕሉ እዋን፡ ለባስያን ቤተ ክህነትን መንእሰያት ትምህርተ ሰንበትን ድሙቕ ኣቀባብላ ገይሮሙሎም። ብከምዚ ኣገባብ እናተሰነዩ ድማ፣ ለባስያን፡ ሊቃውንተ ቤተ ክርስቲያን፡ መዘምራን ትምህርተ ሰንበት፡ ኣደታትን ኣቦታትን ብኃባር ኮይኖም ድሙቕ ኣቀባብላ ብምግባር ናብ ቤተ ክርስቲያን የእትዮሞም። ከም መርሓ ግብሪ መሠረት ዝግባእ ብብፁዕ ኣቦና ዝተመርሐ ቅዳሴ ምስ ተሠርዐ፡ ብፁዕ ኣቦና ቃለ ቡራኬን ማዕዳን ሂቦም🙏🏾


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