She Just Won't Stop Farting by Emerson Jacquay

Описание к видео She Just Won't Stop Farting by Emerson Jacquay

MBHS 2024 Film Festival - Comedy WINNER
A young teenage girl seems to not be able to stop farting and she can't escape the constant torment from her classmates because of it. Even at home she is laughed at until she meets someone that might just be a little too similar to her.
Hi there, my name is Emerson Jacquay and I am currently a sophomore at MBHS. Along with being a young and aspiring filmmaker, I also partake in Concert Choir, Girls Tennis and the MBHS Drama Club. I had a thrill making this film with only one friend who would be down to bring the main character to life, that is Lily Williams. It was a challenge to find people to get involved in this project as most people are not pro-fart activists such as myself. I hope "She Just Won't Stop Farting" will bring you a good laugh, or maybe cry, and you can check out more of my work on my Youtube, @emersoproductions!
MBHS 2024 Film Festival - Comedy WINNER


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