The Tzimtzum (Contraction) | Talmud Eser Sefirot, Class #13

Описание к видео The Tzimtzum (Contraction) | Talmud Eser Sefirot, Class #13

I am Nathan Hanokaee. The revelation struck me in my teenage years when I delved into my own research. The Torah, I discovered, is not a book of history or religion, but a "map" that guides the spiritual evolution of humanity. The mystics teach that before the world was created, there was the Ein Sof, an infinite abode of divine consciousness that contains all of existence in its potential state. The souls of Israel, originating from this divine Light, were dispatched into the "void" to pave the way for the Holy One, Blessed be He. Fueled by this finding, I birthed Ein Sof Learning—a portal to the Tree of Life. So, what are you waiting for? There’s an endless amount to learn. 📚🌟

“Don’t pray for yourself. Pray for the person sitting next to you.” (Eitan Katz). 🤍💙

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