3 Delicious Scallion Pancakes! 外酥內軟蔥油酥餅!牛肉,鮮蝦和原味!三種口味!學會這樣做!永遠吃不夠!

Описание к видео 3 Delicious Scallion Pancakes! 外酥內軟蔥油酥餅!牛肉,鮮蝦和原味!三種口味!學會這樣做!永遠吃不夠!

在家就可以吃到超美味的好點心!手工蔥油酥餅真的是亞洲人的最愛點心之一!永遠都吃不膩!原味,牛肉,鮮蝦!三種蔥油酥餅!哇!好吃極了的輕食小點!Scallion Pancakes in three flavors! Original, beef & shrimp! Delicious Scallion Pancakes in three flavors! 蔥油酥餅學會這樣做!口味多,好搶手喔!永遠吃不夠!(油蔥酥餅/油蔥酥餅怎麼做/油葱酥饼做法/葱油饼)


製作14個蔥油酥餅 所需材料 -
麵團: 普通麵粉:250克 酵母:1茶匙 糖:1大匙 水:175克 油面混合物: 食用油:50克 鹽:1茶匙 麵粉:80克 蔥:越多越好! 小蘇打:1/8茶匙 Scallion pancakes ingredients

For making 14 scallion pancakes
Dough: All purpose flour: 250 g Yeast: 1 tsp Sugar: 1 tbsp Water: 175 g Oil flour mixture Oil: 50 g Salt: 1 tsp Flour: 80g Scallion:the more the better! Baking soda: 1/8 tsp


1. 原味蔥油酥餅: 原味蔥油酥餅是最經典的版本,它由薄薄的餅皮包裹著新鮮蔥末,並夾在酥脆的酥皮之間。這款酥餅簡單而美味,蔥的香氣與酥皮的脆度完美結合,讓人愛不釋手。

2. 牛肉蔥油酥餅: 牛肉蔥油酥餅是一種讓肉食愛好者愛不釋手的選擇。在這個版本中,有機碎牛肉搭配著蔥油酥皮,創造出一種豐富的口味。這種結合了牛肉的鮮美和蔥油的風味的酥餅,讓您嚐到了最美好的味道!

3. 蝦蔥油酥餅: 如果您喜歡海鮮,這蝦蔥油酥餅絕對是您的首選。這個版本將鮮嫩的蝦仁與切碎的蔥末結合在一起,包裹在脆皮中。蝦的甜美和蔥油的香味相得益彰,使這款酥餅成為一種令人愉悅的享受。


Scallion Pancakes are a widely beloved Chinese snack, known for their unique crispy outer layer and the rich aroma of scallion oil, making them a favorite for many. In fact, these delicious pancakes can be made in various flavors.

Today, I've prepared three different variations of scallion pancakes: Original, Beef, and Shrimp. Original Scallion Pancakes:

The Original Scallion Pancakes are the most classic version. They consist of a thin pancake filled with fresh scallion pieces, sandwiched between layers of crispy dough. These pancakes are simple yet delicious, and the fragrant scallions perfectly complement the flakiness of the dough, making them irresistibly good.

Beef Scallion Pancakes: Beef Scallion Pancakes are a must-try for meat lovers. In this version, finely minced beef is combined with scallion-infused dough, creating a rich and savory flavor. This combination of tender beef and the essence of scallion oil will tantalize your taste buds.

Shrimp Scallion Pancakes: If you're a fan of seafood, Shrimp Scallion Pancakes are the perfect choice. This variation pairs tender shrimp pieces with finely chopped scallions, all wrapped within the crispy layers of dough. The sweet taste of shrimp blends harmoniously with the aroma of scallion oil, making these pancakes a delightful treat.

Whether you prefer the classic Original, are a meat enthusiast, or love seafood, scallion pancakes offer a variety of creative flavor choices to suit different palates. Regardless of your selection, you can expect to savor the satisfaction and happiness that scallion pancakes bring. These homemade treats are not only fantastic as a snack but also as a delightful light meal or late-night indulgence!

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我愛做菜,愛美食,更愛與朋友們分享生活中的大小經驗!雖說世上無完美之事,但我總是願意帶著一份喜悅和創新態度來豐富自己的生活。我從自己拍攝Youtube視頻以來,也都是自己做影片的剪接和配音。我為興趣而做,樂在其中!我選擇平衡的生活,所以我每一週到一週半會發布一部新的視頻,我不趕進度,不為保持流量而拍視頻。相信您也是應該是願意過著健康,平衡的生活吧!:) 感謝Gabe Van Sloun/陳帥全為我做優美的原創視頻鋼琴音樂。如果您喜歡我的視頻,請支持訂閱的我頻道!感謝您!

I love cooking and I enjoy eating good & healthy homemade food! I make Youtube videos because I enjoy filming, editing and doing the audio by myself. Thanks to Gabe Van Sloun for composing beautiful original piano music for my videos.
Please support and subscribe to my channel! Thank you!

我爱做菜,爱美食,更爱与朋友们分享生活中的大小经验!虽说世上无完美之事,但我总是愿意带着一份喜悦和创新态度来丰富自己的生活。我从自己拍摄Youtube视频以来,也都是自己做影片的剪接和配音。我为兴趣而做,乐在其中!我选择平衡的生活,所以我每一周到一周半会发布一部新的视频。我不赶进度,不为保持流量而拍视频。相信您也是应该是愿意过着健康,平衡的生活吧! :) 感谢Gabe Van Sloun/陈帅全为我做优美的原创视频钢琴音乐。如果您喜欢我的视频,请支持订阅的我频道!感谢您!


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