十年後,重遊愛丁堡 Edinburgh Revisited

Описание к видео 十年後,重遊愛丁堡 Edinburgh Revisited

英國研究報告指出, 2/3英國國民會喺夏天去旅行。入鄉,就當然要隨俗。啱啱八月同老婆搞咗個內循環,重遊我哋10年前去過嘅蘇格蘭愛丁堡。

When in Britain, do what the Brits do. Two-thirds of Britons go on holiday during the summer and we did just that. We revisited Edinburgh after 10 years and here's a video of it. Enjoy!

#edinburgh #pentlandhills #stirling


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