Описание к видео Dream of an EX? 💗✨THIS MESSAGE IS SUPPOSE TO FIND YOU!! 💗✨ 🌈💝 |COLLAB WITH

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The storm of any breakup hits us like a hurricane. It's like the rain and the wind batters against our self-esteem. When we are in love with another human we seem to have fog on reality are being blinded in life, sorry to say. Sometimes this blind-fold comes off and we see their true colors. It is only when we finish with that partner that the blindfold is removed. There are so many aspects to make a good committed relationship. Understanding what two people stand for and have accomplished in life is very important. Many partnerships do not even last that long, also marriages end abruptly. Any type of difficulty in a relationship with an ex often is connected to how we dream. In this video, I discuss what it means to dream of ex-partners and exclusively outline different types of dreams and the impact upon this in our daily lives. When difficulties between partners occur we often find ourselves dreaming about the reasons why. In this video, I've outlined a whole range of dreams about ex-partners. There are so many feelings and perceptions of dreaming of your ex.

In this dream I cover the following:

What does it mean to dream you are falling in love with your ex again?
What does it mean to be jealous of your ex-partner in a dream?
What does it mean when you dream of your ex rejecting you or dumping you?
What does it mean to dream of reoccurring ex-partner dreams?
What does it mean to marry an ex in a dream?
What does it mean to dream of an ex who you have children with?
What does it mean when you dream about your ex?
dreaming about an ex and the impact on you.
Answering why do I keep dreaming about your ex
Dream meaning about ex boyfriend or girlfriend.
Why you are having dreams about your ex
Recurring dreams about your ex boyfriend or girlfriend
Having sex with your ex dream meaning

When love goes bad it's never easy. Often the ex appears in our dream state because we are coming to terms that our love is over. Maybe you are feeling that you want to get back together? When the relationship is over it is common to dream that you are falling into marrying your ex-partner. I love to turn to the biblical meaning in the dream state and if we turn to Adam when he took his wife Eve they began to conquer their perplexities together. Both Adam and Eve walked away from loss in order to find the perfect love. Both Adam and Eve turn their backs on a relationship with God, at this point, there was a great loss. Biblically speaking, this dream can mean that you are feeling that great loss because a partner, somebody that was there for you is no longer in your life.

Hearing an apology from your ex in a dream can mean that your subconscious mind is accepting that this is over. Often, people have contacted me when their ex has professed their lifelong love. This can even feel real! This dream can mean that you are tapping into their mind and even though psychologists say that this is a hidden desire that you wish for them back I disagree. I think this is because you are connecting with them on a spiritual level and they might feel sorry that the relationship ended. I like for people to consider what conflict they are approaching in life when this dream appears. A lover that is no longer can be a wake up call to have you feel about yourself right now.

Please contact me about your ex boyfriend or girlfriend in the comments if there is anything missing from my video. Blessings to you my lovely people.
💖💖💖 Thank you so much 💖💖💖

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Auntyflo.com is for Entertainment Purposes ONLY and is not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and takes no responsibility for individual interpretations. You are responsible for your own life and decisions.


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