MH4U session: Rough goings

Описание к видео MH4U session: Rough goings

Here is another round of G-rank 1 quests. The desert seltas was an interesting experience. Wasn't expecting a rajang to drop down, and seeing it frenzy made things all the more 'fun'. I may have to start bringing paintballs to avoid running around the maps like a lost lamb. The duo seltas was quite a messy fight as well, but other than that not much to speak about. Capping off the session is the berserk tetsucabra hunt. I haven't faced off against this variant and it's original in g-rank in quite a while, so there isn't much I can discuss about the moveset differences besides the use of explosive rocks. Maybe the rock throwing it does is the change? I don't know. With the defeat of the green toad came the ability to craft it's longsword, which will be a big upgrade in damage despite it having negative affinity. It also has two deco slots, and with it's helmet that I aim to craft Ill have five free slots.. Here's hoping for a good talisman sometime soon.
Until the next session.


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