8-Meter Amateur Radio Band

Описание к видео 8-Meter Amateur Radio Band

The proposed 8-Meter Amateur Radio Band is currently before the FCC for consideration for use by hams in the United States. 8-Meters is used by hams in other countries, such as Slovenia, South Africa and Ireland. In the U.S., it is used primarily by public safety and service organizations, such as the Red Cross, police and fire. Amateur Radio use of the band for emergency communications during disasters would provide an immediate interoperable connection to the other public service and safety organizations on the band, providing life-saving comms during the first moments of an emergency, when it is needed most. This would be in addition to other Amateur Radio applications, such as experimentation. Since 8-meters is already in use, infrastructure and equipment are already available, making the entrance of American hams into the band relatively low-cost.


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