The Veritas Forum Leiden: 'Twilight of the Gods' - why should we even care about a god?

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The Veritas Forum Leiden presents 'Twilight of the Gods - why should we even care about a god?'

Our society has long passed belief in God, right!? Why should we care about this? We want to reflect on this during the upcoming Veritas-forum in Leiden, organised in collaboration with ForumC. We'll discuss whether belief in God is relevant. As humans, can't we just determine the good life, truth and ethics ourselves? Isn't God outdated?

Upcoming forum (April 14, 8:00 PM) two speakers will address these pressing questions. Boris van der Ham and Alister McGrath can give us all kinds of perspectives on the theme based on their expertise and convictions.

#veritasforum #thesearchfortruth #leidenuniversity #zoekennaardewaarheid


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