Soul Calibur - Edge Master all exhibition's

Описание к видео Soul Calibur - Edge Master all exhibition's

Couldn't find this on YouTube, so here we go.

My all time favorite character. The Edge Master.

Edge Master is capable of wielding any weapon as if they were extensions of his own limbs. He creates his own set of weapons, but he never names them, since that would go against his philosophy. He believes that only a strong soul makes a strong warrior, not a weapon, so he regards them as only tools despite their power.

The Master of Blades:

Edge Master has a mysterious past; he is renowned for his skill with various weapons, and his past and real name are known only to himself. He served as adviser and teacher of Ling-Sheng Su martial arts at Ling-Sheng Su Temple (臨勝寺) - who would descend from the mountain only to participate in the temple's holy artifacts succession ceremony and train their inheritors- before he burned it down following the fateful night of the Evil Seed. Edge Master found Kilik, the cursed successor of the Kali-Yuga, in the temple and taught him to suppress the evil within himself over a three-year training session. Once Kilik had completed the training, Edge Master gave him the final test of destroying Soul Edge; but after Kilik left on his journey to purify himself and the Kali-Yuga, Edge Master began to feel uneasy. Although his motives are unknown, he broke his silence and departed on a quest of his own.


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