Twenty Moog Subharmonicon Patches

Описание к видео Twenty Moog Subharmonicon Patches

Here are twenty original patches for the Subharmonicon. Thought I would take a different approach. Instead of uploading one long play patch, I figured it would be more helpful and digestible to just gather them all into one video.

After nearly a year of battling with the Subharmonicon, I decided to approach it as a sort of Zen project in which I would just explore the synth on its own terms, and see where it led.

This video chronicles some of the more musical (and unmusical) patches that I've struggled to put together.

Huge thanks to the guy that runs It's cool to see a creative community dedicated to freely sharing ideas. More than one of these patches evolved out of a failed attempt to replicate something cool I found on that site.

Sorry for he lack of patch notes, with work and family I just don't have the spare time to make and edit videos and sketch out patch notes on modulargrid. I hope the video quality allows people to clearly see what's going on. Please feel free to ask about anything that might be unclear.

More explanation in the video itself.


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