My Years at Princeton University (1999-2023) Some Reflections

Описание к видео My Years at Princeton University (1999-2023) Some Reflections

On 6 December 2023, I gave my final lecture at Princeton University. In my speech, I reflect on the approaching end of my tenure at Princeton University, starting with the controversy that marked my appointment in 1999 – an appointment that received significant media attention and was met with protests, especially from disability rights groups. I describe my academic life at Princeton, highlighting my contributions to ethical theory and my major publications on practical ethics and the ethics of our treatment of animals. I also mention my role in founding the Journal of Controversial Ideas, emphasizing my commitment to freedom of thought and discussion. Throughout my speech, I reflect on the stimulating experience of teaching at Princeton, particularly the value of bringing in speakers with whom I disagree so that undergraduates can see that it is possible to have a civil and enlightening discussion with people with strongly opposed ethical views. I discuss my role in promoting effective altruism, especially through my book The Life You Can Save and the subsequent founding of the organization with the same name. I conclude by urging students to pursue careers that are impactful and ethically sound, drawing on my experiences and those of others as guiding examples. Enjoy!

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