SWS Customer Case Video

Описание к видео SWS Customer Case Video

Customer case altert! Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. invested in 4 panel welding gantries with 8 robots in total.

The thin-plate plane assembly line is an important process equipment for the final assembly of China's first large cruise ships. The demand for welding automation provides a guarantee for the modernization of the shipyard's technological equipment.

Mr. T. Wang, production manager states:

"The total length of the section line is about 250 meters, including 5 stations such as T-row automatic assembly, T-row robot welding, wall gantry, section line ground system and jacking, which can achieve a maximum length of 36 meters and a width of 16 meters."

"Among them, the T-row robot welding station is the most advanced technology, the highest degree of automation and intelligence in China, and the most representative unmanned station. The two lines of this station can realize the simultaneous operation of 8 welding robots."

"It has the characteristics of intelligent technology such as three-dimensional data model import, automatic welding path planning, seamless switching of multiple welding parameters and automatic adaptation, which can completely achieve high efficiency, high quality, and high throughput."

#shipbuilding #weldingautomation #roboticwelding #robotwelding


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