Journalist gone activist? | Panel with Peter Limbourg, Patrícia Campos Mello and Kiundu Waweru

Описание к видео Journalist gone activist? | Panel with Peter Limbourg, Patrícia Campos Mello and Kiundu Waweru

DW's Director General Peter Limbourg, investigative reporter Patrícia Campos Mello and environmental journalist and trainer Kiundu Waweru explore the red line between news reporting and advocacy in this panel at the 2022 DW Global Media Forum in Bonn on June 20 — moderated by DW's Phil Gayle.

Growing public divisions have long rubbed off on the media. Audiences increasingly seek to consume news that reflect their own political views, creating filter bubbles and echo chambers. As a result, reporting on contentious issues has also moved into the spotlight — be that fringe movements like QAnon or the impact of global warming. Some say that activism has entered the newsrooms.

But where does journalism end and activism begin? What is the red line between advocacy journalism and non-biased, objective reporting? Are those lines blurred or can journalism actually not be neutral and unbiased?

Watch all sessions here:    • What are you willing to sacrifice for...  
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