Why Are So Many Chiropractors Using Laser Therapy In Their Practice?

Описание к видео Why Are So Many Chiropractors Using Laser Therapy In Their Practice?

Laser therapy which is also known as photobiomodulation therapy has been in clinical use since the 1960s. Many Chiropractors do not use electrotherapeutic modalities like TENS, IFC, ultrasound etc. because they only offer temporary relief or poor clinical efficacy. Most modalities have limited clinical trial research efficacy and are not recommended in evidence-based guidelines. Not the case for laser therapy! Decades of human, in vitro and animal model research since the 1960s have proven the clinical benefits, mechanisms of action and effective dosage and light parameters such that laser therapy is considered the safest and most effective of all clinical modalities. Learn why many Chiropractors have been early adopters of Laser Therapy and understand the benefits of this powerful therapeutic tool.


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