Dollar Tree 🌳 Jenga Block Nautical Shadow Box

Описание к видео Dollar Tree 🌳 Jenga Block Nautical Shadow Box


I used 100 of Dollar Tree Jenga blocks and 2 wall shelves.

***DISCLAIMER: If you plan on copying or is inspired by any of my original designs and plan on making a video on it PLEASE GIVE ME A CREDIT IN YOUR VIDEO! We need to respect each others work. Using screen shots of my videos for Reels or any social media platforms are not permitted, Thank you.****

#diy #dollarstorecrafts #dollartree #dollartreecrafts #dollartreediy #jengablocksdiys #blockbuild #tumblingtowerblocks #thecraftyshopper #shadowboxes #nautical #nauticalcrafts #nauticaldecor #dollartreejengablocknauticalshadowbox
#shadowboxdiy #shoreliving
#diycrafts #tumblingtowerblocksdiys


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