Installing The Terminal Emulator That's So Simple It's Complicated

Описание к видео Installing The Terminal Emulator That's So Simple It's Complicated

To cut to the demo, go to: 2:23

In this video I talk about how to Install and do BASIC configuration (changing the DEFAULT font size.) I kind of like using minimalist apps and st is one of the most minimalist terminal emulator currently out there.

NOTE: There is SUBJECTIVE content in this video - that is some of this information is just my preference. I'm NOT saying these ideas are the absolute best.

Suckless terminal website:

To clone the code for st run this:

git clone

Also NOTE: Some Linux distros may have binary packages that you can us instead of compiling it yourself. I just like cloning the code and compiling it myself.

See the README in the repo for more info, but I think all the prereqs you need are:

Last thing: If there's misinformation in this video, please comment below and I'll update the description or pin your comment.


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