美軍LSE 2021演習全過程!直接擊沉導彈護衛艦英格拉漢姆號 Long-range Maritime Strikes During Large Scale Exercise【94要客訴】

Описание к видео 美軍LSE 2021演習全過程!直接擊沉導彈護衛艦英格拉漢姆號 Long-range Maritime Strikes During Large Scale Exercise【94要客訴】

#LSE21軍演 #美國海軍 #導彈護衛艦英格拉漢姆號
原影片:   • Long-range Maritime Strikes During La...  

美國海軍LSE 2021演習,涉及遠程海上打擊,在夏威夷群島作戰區進行。

PACIFIC OCEAN (Aug. 15, 2021) U.S. joint forces conduct coordinated multi-domain, multi-platform, long-range maritime strikes on the decommissioned guided-missile frigate Ingraham in the Hawaiian Islands Operating Area as part of Large Scale Exercise (LSE) 21. During the sinking exercise, USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) launched F/A-18E/F Super Hornets to test the Joint Standoff Weapon; F-35C Joint Strike Fighters employed laser-guided weapons; P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft tested the Harpoon weapon system, and the fast-attack submarine USS Chicago (SSN 721) fired a UGM-84 anti-ship Harpoon missile and a MK 48 Advanced Capability torpedo. The U.S. Marine Corps launched Naval Strike Missiles from the Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands, along with AGM-84 Harpoons from a division of F/A-18C Hornets. LSE 21 provided the opportunity to demonstrate technological innovations that are enabling advanced “kill-web” and emerging service warfighting concepts such as Expeditionary Advanced Basing Operations, and capabilities that allow the joint force to accelerate the speed and precision of delivering complex, simultaneous, multi-domain, multi-platform anti-surface warfare fires when and where desired. (U.S. Navy and Marine Corps video)

12:30 - 13:30

🚩主持人 楊琇晶 網路代號:晶晶




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