RVers Supporting Veterans Contribute Thousands to Vets to Vets United

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This generous RV Community stepped up for Vets To Vets United, Inc. (Veterinarians to Veterans United). Thousands of dollars were raised through t-shirt sales, benefiting this non-profit organization. Three RV Youtube Channels started the charity project to support this veteran organization.
We salute the leadership of:

Jerry & Teresa of Happy Place Diaries
   / @happyplacediaries  

Dustin & Leslie of Wayward Waggs
   / @waywardwaggs  

Michael, Shelly and Talon of Our Epic RV Adventure
   / @epicrv  

And kudos to all the channels that purchased t-shirts and/or made donations.

Vets To Vets United pairs veterans and dogs for a common goal: improving and saving lives. By pairing veterans with dogs, we seek to significantly improve a veteran's life by providing companionship and help with a mental or physical disability. And they save the life of a dog facing euthanasia by adopting the animal from a local animal shelter.

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