Ocean Pack Waterproof Dry Bags + Single Shoulder Strap

Описание к видео Ocean Pack Waterproof Dry Bags + Single Shoulder Strap

#OUSPOTS This a an incredible waterproof sack for all your outdoor needs. I decided to really test it, so I put a 30 pound anvil in the bag, followed by a roll of toilet paper, then dunked it in my hot tub. The sack floated to the top, even with all that weight in it, and the toilet paper remained bone dry. I have to tell you that I was impressed as I have been on numerous scouting activities from canoeing to white water rafting and equipment always gets wet. It won't with this dry sack - be sure to put a change of clothes and your sleeping bag in one of these whenever you are near the water. http://amzn.to/2bDKLqJ


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