American Pageant Chapter 10 APUSH Review (Period 3)

Описание к видео American Pageant Chapter 10 APUSH Review (Period 3)

Review of American Pageant (Kennedy) Chapter 10, American History (Brinkley) Chapter 6, America’s History (Henretta) Chapter 7.

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3.10 Shaping a New Republic

Topics: The Young Republic: 1789-1800
Washington administration, Presidential cabinet, Secretary of Treasury Hamilton, Judiciary Act of 1789, Bill of Rights, Report on Public Credit, tariffs, excise taxes, National Bank, strict vs. loose interpretation, 1st Party System, Federalist vs. Jeffersonian Republicans, Whiskey Rebellion, Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality, French Revolution, Citizen Edmond Genet, Jay’s Treaty, Pinckney Treaty, Battle of Fallen Timbers, Treaty of Greenville, Washington’s Farewell Address, Election of 1796, John Adams Administration, XYZ Affair, Quasi War, Convention of 1800, Alien, Naturalization, & Sedition Acts, Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, nullification

Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 10
Brinkley- American History Chapter 6
Henretta- America’s History Chapter 7


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