
Описание к видео 运-20横跨9000公里投送兵力!中国具备全球大规模投送能力!直击中坦“和平团结-2024”联合军演;山东舰航母官兵风采;海军龙虎山舰和郑和舰赴俄参加庆典;空军石家庄飞行学院:为祖国培养更多优秀飞行员

The main content of this issue of military news: Y-20 deploys troops across 9,000 kilometers! China has the ability to deploy troops on a large scale around the world! A direct look at the Sino-Tanzanian "Peace and Unity-2024" joint military exercise; the demeanor of officers and soldiers on the Shandong aircraft carrier; the Navy's Longhushan and Zheng He ships went to Russia to participate in the celebration; the Air Force Shijiazhuang Flight Academy: Cultivate more outstanding pilots for the motherland...


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