港怡醫院 — 行為健康系列微電影:走出產後抑鬱(媽媽篇)

Описание к видео 港怡醫院 — 行為健康系列微電影:走出產後抑鬱(媽媽篇)


受荷爾蒙變化同壓力嘅影響,唔少產後媽媽都會出現情緒波動嘅情況,部分仲會演變成產後抑鬱。如果默默承受情緒問題,對自己、BB同家人都會有負面影響。其實情緒波動就好似傷風感冒咁,不時會困擾我哋,只要正視同埋搵專家協助學習處理負面情緒,就可以防止情況惡化。# 港怡醫院 設立行為健康科門診,更係全港首間提供相關住院服務嘅私營醫院,可以為患有輕微行為健康症狀人士,例如抑鬱症提供專科治療同復康服務。就等我哋一齊掌握情緒健康,活出精彩人生!

🏥行為健康科門診: https://bit.ly/2MPvw0F
☎預約電話:2122 1333 | 醫院總機:3153 9000

【Behavioural Health Series: Overcoming postnatal depression (Mum Version)】

Affected by hormonal changes and stress after giving birth, mothers may be more prone to mood disorders, and some could be escalated into postnatal depression. If postnatal depression is not treated properly, not only could it affect the mother’s emotion, but also have a negative impact on the baby and the family. Indeed, mood swings are as common as cold and flu. With professional support, mothers could learn to handle negative emotions. #Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital ’s Behavioural Health Clinic provides specialist medical service to patients with mild behavioural health conditions such as depression etc. We also provide related inpatient service which is the first and currently the only in local private hospitals. Let’s strengthen our emotional health and live a wonderful life!

👨‍⚕Behavioural Health Specialties: https://bit.ly/2DcdYt1
🏥Behavioural Health Clinic: https://bit.ly/2KJgiNe
💻Gleneagles website: http://gleneagles.hk/
☎Appointments: 2122 1333 | Mainline: 3153 9000


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