The Pirate Primer Book review / What's in a book?/ Books with Brandywine ep 5

Описание к видео The Pirate Primer Book review / What's in a book?/ Books with Brandywine ep 5

My husband suggested I do the whole video in pirate but it turns out that I make a very bad pirate. I also appear to be a very annoyed, squinty eyed pirate. The long and short of it is, I love this book. I've never seen a pirate lexicon the likes of this one. He breaks each section down by openings, closings, pronounciations, respectful talk, insults, and more. It is extremely well organized and easy to understand. I love that in addition to the word being used, he also includes the definition, the sentence it was used in, and the movie or book that cpntained that sentence. I reccommend this book to anyone who wants to improve their pirate.

What unofficial holiday is your favorite? And of course the age old question pirate or ninja?
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