Knitting: locking floats in stranded colorwork, part 1- left hand floats

Описание к видео Knitting: locking floats in stranded colorwork, part 1- left hand floats

Publishing a few days early as I may not have wifi access on Monday, here is the first video on how to lock your floats without twisting your yarn in stranded colorwork. When knitting with 2 colors, one yarn "floats" behind the other. when there are many stitches of color A, for example, before color B is used again, the floats can get pretty long! It's a good idea to "lock" them to the back of the fabric. one way is to twist the two yarns around each other between stitches, but that can cause tangles with the yarn balls, and frustration later on. This video shows you how to catch your float of the yarn held in your left hand while knitting a stitch with the yarn from your right hand, and have it almost invisible on the front, with no twisting of the yarns in the back!

Look for the video on locking the right hand yarn while knitting a stitch with the left hand yarn soon. In the meantime, subscribe, like, and comment!


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