Terraform EKS Cluster Example (AWS EKS IAM Roles | AWS EKS Load Balancer | AWS EKS Node Group ) Ep 6

Описание к видео Terraform EKS Cluster Example (AWS EKS IAM Roles | AWS EKS Load Balancer | AWS EKS Node Group ) Ep 6

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► I’m a Senior Software Engineer at Juniper Networks (12+ years of experience)
► Located in San Francisco Bay Area, CA (US citizen)

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0:00 Intro
0:47 Create IAM Role for EKS Cluster
2:00 Attach AmazonEKSClusterPolicy to EKS Role
3:08 Create AWS EKS Cluster
5:40 Create IAM Role for EKS Node Group
6:42 Attach AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy, AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy, and AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly to EKS Node Group IAM Role
8:06 Create AWS EKS Node Group
11:08 Run Terraform Commands to Create AWS EKS Cluster
12:26 Connect to EKS Cluster
14:35 Deploy Sample Application to EKS Cluster
15:20 Expose Kubernetes Service with Private Load Balancer
20:35 Expose Kubernetes Service with Public Load Balancer

GitHub: https://github.com/antonputra/tutoria...

#EKS #Terraform #AWS


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