Combat Mission Guide: How to Use Blast, by the book and more creatively

Описание к видео Combat Mission Guide: How to Use Blast, by the book and more creatively

In this Guide we take a closer look at the Blast Order in Combat Mission and its application and variations in implementation.
For some aditional information on the SMAW Teams blast order in Real Time Mode you can watch this video    • Видео   by ‪@SmartWargames‬

00:00 Intro
00:32 basic Blast Order use on Walls
01:06 basic Blast Order use entering Buildings
01:26 basic multiple Blast Orders
01:52 parallel Blast Order
02:08 parallel Blast Order complication
02:25 directional Blast Order from distance (straight)
02:52 directional Blast Order from distance (diagonally)
03:06 SMAW Blast-Bug and Workaround (Turn Based Mode)
03:35 Comment on Real Time Mode/Other CM titles
03:59 some Additional use of Blast order/Democharges
04:28 Thank you 😇 for watching
04:40 End


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