How To Find and Do Something About Your Stolen Images

Описание к видео How To Find and Do Something About Your Stolen Images

In a recent "For the Joy of Photography" podcast, I talked about 12 different services that help you protect your images from theft and help you find them when they are stolen and get compensation. I contacted four of the companies and tried out three of them and show you what I found in this video.

**I'm not being compensated in any way by any of the websites mentioned and I'm not affiliated with them in any way.**

You can find the original, "For the Joy of Photography" podcast, where I talk about the 12 services, here:

   • Episode 21: For the Joy of Photography  

The websites I talk about in this video, in the order presented:

I forgot to mention in the video that all of the services claim to be able to find your image if it was cropped or heavily reprocessed.

Please like and share this video. Also, please find out other ways you can support free photography training by visiting my website here:


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