Industrial Surface Coating VOC and HAP regulation update (October 2018 Technical Subcommittee)

Описание к видео Industrial Surface Coating VOC and HAP regulation update (October 2018 Technical Subcommittee)

In response to the revised 2015 National Ozone Standard, many states have been revising their Industrial Surface Coating VOC rules and adopting the EPA Control Technique Guidelines (CTGs). In addition, EPA is currently completing a residual risk and technology review of the various Surface Coating MACT Standards. David Darling will provide an overview of these VOC and HAP regulation changes.

David Darling
As Vice President of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs at the American Coatings Association – during his 21 years at ACA, David has worked on coatings manufacturing environmental compliance issues, industrial surface coating and architectural coating VOC regulations and post-consumer paint issues. David has a MS and BS in environmental engineering from Syracuse University and is a professional environmental engineer.


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