Dr Lao Liquid Rhinoplasty

Описание к видео Dr Lao Liquid Rhinoplasty

Did you know u can change the shape of your nose without surgery?

With a liquid rhinoplasty, you can heighten the nose bridge and nose tip! By doing so you can also give the illusion of a smaller nose!

Not everyone is ready for a full blown surgery, and liquid rhinoplasty is a way for you to change your nose shape without invasive procedures and long recovery times.

Book a consultation today to see if liquid rhinoplasty is right for you!

對想要隆鼻但又還沒辦法下定決心做手術的病人來說,用注射劑來隆鼻是一個不錯的方法。 當然也是要經由專科醫師評估之後,再來注射,才能有最安全和最好的效果。


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