The World's Largest Shovel Still In Existence | BIG BRUTUS (Exclusive Footage & Pics)

Описание к видео The World's Largest Shovel Still In Existence | BIG BRUTUS (Exclusive Footage & Pics)

Big Brutus is the nickname of the Bucyrus-Erie model 1850-B electric shovel, which was the second largest of its type in operation in the 1960s and 1970s.

Equiped with a 90-cubic yard bucket, Big Brutus had an operating weight of 11,000,000 pounds, or 5,500 tons. Owned by Pittsburg & Midway Coal Company, the machine operated from 1963 until 1974.

After facing the elements for a decade, Big Brutus was turned into a museum in 1985. You can still visit the giant shovel today in West Mineral, Kansas.

6509 NW 60th St
West Mineral, KS 66782
United States

Exclusive footage and pictures kindly provided by Cody Morris from Big Brutus Inc.

#excavator #mining #shovel #kansas


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