Webinar - Venice: a never-ending challenge against water

Описание к видео Webinar - Venice: a never-ending challenge against water

Volteco is an Italian company developing, since 40 years, innovative products and solutions in waterproofing and offering specialized support for the engineering and the application of its technologies.

Volteco proposes an extremely specialized portfolio of waterproofing solutions which includes self-repairing hydro-reactive membranes, flexible coatings resisting to negative hydrostatic pressure, waterproof mortars, hydro-swelling mastics, waterstops, gasket profiles and sealing tapes.

Venice with its unique building environment is a special laboratory where building structures are subject to severe stresses that impact their resistance in the long term such as rising damp, sea-front aerosol and, most of all, high tides.

For such reason Venice has always represented the ideal field where to apply and develop waterproofing systems and verify their effectiveness in the long term.

Discover some of our references in Venice


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