Radiant Harvest Event Guide Day 2 | Genshin Impact 4.0

Описание к видео Radiant Harvest Event Guide Day 2 | Genshin Impact 4.0

#howtoplay #radiantharvest #event #guide #gameplay #jellyfish #retrieval #challenge #day2 #neuvillette #hoyocreators #genshinimpac

Start gathering Violetglow Jellyfish by going to the designated regions on your map. The location of the Violetglow Jellyfish collection spot is indicated on your minimap.
There will be turbulent rings during the challenge that you may utilize to increase your swimming pace. This will allow you to get around the collection area much faster, gather the Violetglow Jellyfish lot quicker, and finish the challenge in much less time.
After arriving in the area, you can begin gathering Violetglow Jellyfish. Each stage will require you to collect a certain number of Jellyfish. The faster you collect them, the better the reward.# Radiant Heart Event Rewards

TAGS: How To Play, Radiant Harvest, Jellyfish Retrieval, Gameplay, Event, Guide, Day 2, Neuvillette, Hoyocreators, New Map, Genshin Impact


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