
Описание к видео 不准遛狗、蓋狗監獄,還殺害浪犬?伊朗政府為何討厭狗?|志祺七七



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#大新線上教育 #大新影音網



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#伊朗 #狗狗 #伊斯蘭教

00:00 開頭
01:28 【大新影音網】廣告段落
02:03 伊朗,曾是愛狗的「動保先鋒國」?
03:05 伊朗官方的一連串「禁狗」措施?
04:17 伊斯蘭教,真的「厭犬」嗎?
05:33 伊朗政府「反狗」的真正原因?
06:41 伊朗人怎麼看?
07:41 最慘的是流浪狗?愛狗人士的救援行動
09:36 我們的觀點
10:34 問題
10:54 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→伊朗審議法案擬禁止飼養寵物 波斯貓還能在祖國呆下去嗎?:https://bbc.in/3wtywsJ
→The country where having a pet could soon land you in jail:https://bbc.in/3wuLA10
→Iran is no country for pet dogs:https://bit.ly/3wwuLCW
→In Iran, walking your dog is a symbol of resistance:https://bit.ly/3pHQtjg
→Iran: threat of lashes or fine for walking the dog:https://bit.ly/3Am8RU3
→Iran: Tehran Officials Begin Crackdown On Pet Dogs (2007):https://bit.ly/3CrZJ2D
→Iran cleric says dogs ""unclean"" and not to be kept as pets:https://reut.rs/3pFzU7Q
→Iranian cleric denounces dog owners (2002):https://bbc.in/3cimVpB
→More Bark Than Bite in Iran’s Ban on Walking Dogs:https://nyti.ms/2Sk6bSJ
→Man's best friend may not be welcome in Iran:https://nbcnews.to/3pGVDMz
→A sanctuary for stray dogs grows in Iran thanks to social media:https://bit.ly/3Csgaw0
→The Latest Enemies of Iran: Dogs and Their Owners:https://bit.ly/3Crm8NH
→Dogs: Iran's new symbol of rebellion:https://bit.ly/3pK0LPX
→Who are the Real Criminals in Tehran's Crackdown on Dog Walkers?:https://bit.ly/3Cs6aTz
→New Bill Threatens to Criminalize Owning Pets in Iran:https://bit.ly/3pK1aSM
→Iranian video showing stray dogs' killings sparks protests in major cities:https://bit.ly/3Cvvdox
→Iranians Protest State's Brutal Killing Of Stray Dogs:https://bit.ly/2z9vX11
→Iran’s regime slaugh ters over 1,700 dogs in shelter, sparking outrage:https://bit.ly/3TdFKe1
→First City in Iran to Ban Killing Stray Dogs and the Woman Behind It:https://bit.ly/3PTF5vj
→Iran cleric says dogs ""unclean"" and not to be kept as pets:https://reut.rs/3PKSsxX
→Paws Up, Fido! Pet Dogs Arrested In Iran:https://bit.ly/3ceWEIQ
→Outraged Iranian pet owners kick back against new proposal to ban all pets:https://bit.ly/3AJtA5A

【 延伸閱讀 】

→Podcast: Dogs, Iran’s Political Animals (Script):https://bit.ly/3PIwlbu
→Forbidden Friendship: Iranians and Their Dogs:https://bit.ly/3dYwCK0
→Removal of the heart: how Islam became a matter of state in Iran:https://bit.ly/3PQHSp4
→[伊朗] 走跳於被妖魔化的波斯帝國:https://bit.ly/3RdWsbz


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