Lake Haus Weekend!

Описание к видео Lake Haus Weekend!

Holla, Sweeties!

Before my cousin flew back to Florida, we sqeezed in a short trip to Lake Caliraya! As we grieved our beloved nanay during that weekend, I kept thinking about a quote that my friend sent me. Let me share it with ~

"And I don't think grief always comes in the form of tears. Sometimes it comes in the moments when you are smiling with the sun shining down on your back. Sometimes grief is the feeling you get when you look up at the stars and hope with all of your heart that your loved one is somewhere up there looking down on you and loving you. Sometimes grief comes in the most joyful moments. It's that aching feeling in your chest or in your throat that reminds you that someone very wonderful is missing, but that life is still beautiful. Because life can still be beautiful even amidst of grief."

Glad I can share these thoughts with you, sweeties. Love you. See you soon.

El Cali Lake Haus


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