Q:A: What is Rett syndrome? ǀ Blue Bird Circle Rett Center

Описание к видео Q:A: What is Rett syndrome? ǀ Blue Bird Circle Rett Center

Description: The Blue Bird Circle Rett Center at Texas Children’s Neuroscience Center offers comprehensive family-centered care for Rett syndrome, a complex neurological disorder that primarily affects girls and women. Serving between 300 and 400 patients each year, our program is one of the largest and most experienced in the United States.

Topics in this video:

00:06 – What is Rett syndrome?

00:53 – How is Rett syndrome treated?

01:56 – How is Rett syndrome diagnosed?

02:41 – How common is Rett syndrome?

03:03 – How many patients does the Blue Bird Circle Rett Center treat?

03:55 – What is next for Rett syndrome?

04:56 – How do you contact the Blue Bird Circle Rett Center?

To learn more about the Blue Bird Circle Rett Center, please visit texaschildrens.org/rettsyndrome.


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