TH15 Warden Charge Rocket Balloon Attacks (Clash of Clans)

Описание к видео TH15 Warden Charge Rocket Balloon Attacks (Clash of Clans)

Warden Charge Rocket Balloon attacks.

At this point, it's evident that Queen Charge has lost power with each consecutive TH level (since TH15). Now, with the options of Warden Charge and the more recent Champion Charge/Spirit Walk, it seems like Queen Charge will be a thing of the past.

Warden Charging bases is way stronger than the original QC, so that's what this video is about. Since I've been playing it on my TH17, bringing this down to my TH15 and playing it here feels like cheating, it's just way too strong for this TH level (and I bet in TH14 is also like this).

Army link (Warden Charge Rocket Balloons):

Songs used
Heartfelt by DrayxMusic.
Lucid Dream by JoseMGD.
Joysticks by Tangermusic.
Starlight by JoeStasi.

0:00 First attack
2:13 Second attack
4:21 Third attack
6:31 Fourth attack

I don't own any of the songs/music, it belongs to their respective artists/authors, all credits to them. Check their stuff, and show them some love.
The only material I own is the gameplay and the cheap editing.


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