Sprang for Viking bags - Braid-weaving another Hedeby Satchel [CC]

Описание к видео Sprang for Viking bags - Braid-weaving another Hedeby Satchel [CC]

Another video, another experiment! This time I’m trying sprang, a braid-weaving technique with ancient roots in many corners of the world. Some people smarter than me suggest this is what those Hereby bags were made out of, so I had to try it for myself! There’s captions for some more information throughout the video, and some sources below if you want to know more about sprang and Hedeby/ Haithabu bags!

If you wish to support my endeavours, you can buy me a 'coffee' at: ko-fi.com/juulthijssen

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List of interesting things in no specific order:

-Book I used for this video: Fenny Nijman, Sprang - Egyptisch Vlechten, 1977
-Quick intro to sprang on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprang (note that the technique is sometimes still used for some specific purposes!)
-Article on satchels and bags in the early middle ages: http://www.europa.org.au/index.php/ar....
-Living history project on sprang Hedeby bags: https://industrylivinghistory.com/the...
-Blog article from Dawn’s Dress Diary, Hedeby/ Haithabu Bag Handles: https://dawnsdressdiary.wordpress.com...
-Blog article from Snorri’s House, Hedeby Bags: https://snorri.blog/2017/06/28/hedeby...
Loose Threads, Reflections on Birka and Hereby Bags: https://cathyscostumeblog.blogspot.co...
-Article by Susan Verberg, Viking Haithabu Hedeby Wood Handled Shoulder Bag: https://www.academia.edu/33315581/Vik...
-Article by Tomáš Vlasatý, edit based on: F. Westphal. Die Holzfunde von Haithabu, (Die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu 11), Neumünster 2007: 80.
-Fellow YouTuber Sally Pointer has some videos about sprang you might want to check out:    / sallyinwales  

-Thread I used is from Speerbijter webshop (not spon): http://www.speerbijter.nl

-Video on my first Hedeby bag:    • I Accidentally Made a Viking Laptop C...  
-Video on Viking Snowwhite outfit:    • Historical Disneybound Snow White - b...  

-I might try to collect some words for sprang to make looking up info easier: språng (Swedish), krosienka (Polish), Egyptisch vlechten, spandraadvlechten (Dutch)
-Looking at a Ravelry forum for sprang, I could compile a list of publications about sprang. I don't know anything about these sources and cannot say anything about the contents, but this might help some:

Sprang - eine alte textile Technik neu entdeckt, by Hildegard Gerhardt-Wenzky, Frech Verlag 1984, 48 pages.
The Techniques of Sprang: Plaiting on Stretched Threads, by Peter Collingwood. https://archive.org/details/technique...
Sprang Unsprung an Illustrated Guide to Interlinking, Interlacing and Intertwining, by Carol James.
Threads In Action, by Virgina Harvey, Quarterly Journal included articles on Sprang.
Sprang Language & Techniques by Jules Kliot, Lacis Publications.
Sprang Thread Twisting, A Creative Textile Technique, by Hella Skowronski & Mary Reddy, 1974, Litton Educational Publishing, Inc, USBN: 0-442-27642-7.
The Manual of Braiding by Noemi Speiser.
Pletení na krosienkách, by autors Zdena Kindlová and Milena Tomková , published in Prague 2001 Vzdělávací spolek uměleckých řemesel - Paličkování.
Novi život drevnog umijeća-obnova pletenja na lučnom okviru u selu Trg kraj Ozlja (translation can be: A new life of the old art - renewal of the weaving on a bowed loom) by Jana Mihalić.
Sprang and Frame Plaiting for Garments, Weaver’s Journal, January 1979, page 26
The Family Creative Workshop: Volume 17 - Silversmithing to Sprang.

SPECIAL THANKS to my dad for making me a set of wooden bag handles!

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Chapters/ timestamps:
0. Intro: 00:00
1. Preparations & planning: 00:22
2. Setting up the structure: 01:39
3. Setting up the 'warp': 02:18
4. Braiding the warp: 03:15
5. Braiding pattern (technique): 04:43
6. Finishing up: 07:39
7. Reveal: 10:08

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Music credits (from the YouTube music library):
-Lullabye (Sting) by Twin Musicom http://www.twinmusicom.org/
-Folk Round by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0-license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/


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