Kamps microturbine - ecu semi -autostart video 2

Описание к видео Kamps microturbine - ecu semi -autostart video 2

Video showing the ecu display

Semi Automatic start in my ECU is now up and running.
ECU display explanation:
P: pressure in millibar
T: temperature in deg C
Th: throttle
Pw: pump pwm out
M1000-1030 sequence steps in automatic start mode
M1000: waiting for temperature rise
goto M1010 when temperature above 180 C and throttle control is at 0%
M1010: temperature is above 180 C, start fuel pump on low setting.
-Wait for temperature above 270 and go to M1020.
-Cancel start and disable pump if temperature drops below below 190 C
M1020: Temperature is above 270 C
-start ramping up the fuel delivery by 2 pwm units per second until pwm setting for idle is reached.
-When P above 100mBar AND T above 500C goto running state M1030.
-Cancel start and disable pump if temperature drops below 250 C
-Emergency shutdown and disable pump if temperature goes over 800 C
M1030: Engine is running with pressure above 100 mBar and temperature is above 500 C.
Engine will now respond to throttle commands.
-Emergency shutdown if temperature above 700C
-Emergency shutdown if temperature below 450C
-Emergency shutdown if pressure above 650 mBar
-Emergency shutdown if pressure below 50 mBar
Fuel pump setup:
Fuel Control / Restrictor Needle Valve has been adjusted so that the engine is running at 0.6 Bar at max PWM output on 12V.
Idling PWM value is noted at 125mBar and pump low PWM is noted when the pump just barely start delivering fuel.
0-100% throttle control correspond to idle PWM to max PWM output


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