David Phelps (Whitney Houston's FAVOURITE Tenor) 'Oh Holy Night'

Описание к видео David Phelps (Whitney Houston's FAVOURITE Tenor) 'Oh Holy Night'

Watch with me as I react to David Phelps take on 'O, Holy Night'. You guys said on my last Davis Phelps reaction, where he was singing Whitney Houston's 'I Have Nothing' that I really needed to check out 'O, Holy Night'... well, 'tis the season and I was definitely excited to see what all the hype was about... though, Whitney Houston's seal approval was kinda enough for me anyway! Haha - what did you make of this classic, legendary performance? 🎅🏾💭

Shoutout to my Patreon Wade for the awesome recommendation! 💖

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   • Bill & Gloria Gaither - O Holy Night ...  


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