خزاں کی رت میں گلاب لہجہ شاعر : جناب مبارک صدیقی

Описание к видео خزاں کی رت میں گلاب لہجہ شاعر : جناب مبارک صدیقی

The poet advice to all human to keep the tone and attitude soft and humble at all time like a “ROSE with beautiful smell” , doesn’t matter what ever happens in their personal life. The poet reference this quality as “Greatness and Excellence” in Title of the poem.
This is reference in all verses at various occasion’s and explained with various examples, as in candle that stays lit even in adverse windy condition.
Similarly, at another occasion he exemplify of a person who even after loosing his loved one hides his/her tears when he meets other with smile.
At another instance he brings up the smallest favor in sake of Allah by paving and clearing the way/ path for others , by removing the thorn or stone for others, and still stays humble.
The importance of being Humble # short # islam
Be a beautiful person! Be humble!- Muftimenk


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