160624 Mamamoo arriving in NY at JFK airport

Описание к видео 160624 Mamamoo arriving in NY at JFK airport

I'm only a casual fan but I was really impressed by Mamamoo today c: They were all so nice and sweet, taking time to interact with fans.

So, Moonbyul and Solar came out first and headed to the left side of the terminal and entered an AT&T booth and asked the workers something but idk what, was too far to hear. They then continued walking and took gifts from fans, myself included! I had a gift from @xiaoppa for Solar and I said "this is for you and Yoon ddongie" and she ended up looking right at me and laughing (Yoon ddongie is Eric Nam aka her husband in WGM). And then you hear me dying lel.
They encountered a Korean fan with a KCON Press tag and said things but idk what, I'm not Korean. It seemed like they were looking for wifi though because later Solar says "where is wifi" LMAOOOOO so cute. She was making an egg shape with her hand and I'm assuming she wanted to look for a wifi egg that allows you to have wifi access wherever you are (they have these in Korea).

Later they walked back to the right side of the terminal and met up with Wheein and Hwasa and proceeded to go to their van. I said hi to Wheein and she looked up and waved at me :D I also wave at Hwasa later and she waves back.

Lastly I say bye and Solar waves and says bye back.

"where is wifi" tho. I'm never going to forget that xD


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