Latest Best Portable Bathtub In 2021 | Folding Bathtub for Adults/Kids

Описание к видео Latest Best Portable Bathtub In 2021 | Folding Bathtub for Adults/Kids

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Latest Best Portable Bathtub In 2021 | Folding Bathtub for Adults/Kids
Hi guys, in this video I am unboxing a Portable/Foldable Bathtub which I recently bought online. I had been looking for portable bathtub since long time and I wasn't getting the sturdy one.

Finally I found it on and for around 2,400 THB. I ordered from Shopee and within few days it was delivered at my place. I must say I am very pleased with the quality material they have used in making this bathtub. Such a great design, you can easily fold it and place it wherever you want. Even if you have small bathroom you can use it in your balcony or wherever it is comfortable for you.

Best part it that it can be used for both adult and kids. Me, my son and my wife are using it every alternate day and loving it. It was well spent money.
I hope you like this video.

Part-2 of this Video. Review After using for 6 months.
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👇👇Where to buy this Bathtub 🛀 ?? (Amazon India)👇👇👇

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