How to dye clothing & hats

Описание к видео How to dye clothing & hats

This is how you dye a piece of clothing, or a cotton hat in this case.

1st) wash your garment. Then get some gloves on and we’ll get to work!

2nd) 3 gallons of hot hot water (140 degrees F is what we’re aiming for) and add your dye. Rit recommends using the ‘paper towel test’ to ensure that the color is what you were aiming for. To do this dip a piece of paper towel into your dyed water and check the color.

3rd) add 1 tsp of dish soap, NOT LAUNDRY DETERGENT, and 1 cup of salt. Both of these will help ensure the dye provides a move uniform coating. Mix thoroughly and now its time to DYE!!!

Throw in your garment and make sure they are mixed often. AFter about an hour you should be complete.

4th) Rinse until the water runs clear, I recommend washing after, otherwise that dye will be loose which can be a problem.

Let me know what other laundry tips I can provide for you 😊

For more laundry tips and tricks feel free to throw me a sub or follow me on IG and TikTok @jeeves_ny


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